Wednesday, October 15, 2014

unexpected FEELING

Tell about a moment that surprised you with an unexpected flood of feeling and how this has affected you.       page 21  7000 Ways to Listen
Strange, finding this journal prompt today.  Astonished by the WOOSH! of joy  felt this morning, freed to call out - close to 50 years after first knowing it - something spiritually ludicrous as the ABSURD thing it is.  

The rush of feeling swept me with surprise, both its strength & its tangible nature.  Felt a weight lifted off me.  

joy honor bliss! 

Am transformed – by the feeling more than actions.  Connected & entwined, the actions producing the emotions; the emotions – strangely, not the actions – transforming my self.   

An unexpected, brimming-over-with-new-possibilities sensation.

great listeners - a morning meditation

Close your eyes.

Breathe slowly.  Imagine the lineage of great listeners through out time.

Inhale deeply and feel their living presence.

Exhaled deeply and feel how such listening connects us all.

Open your eyes and inhale deeply, honoring what you know to be true about your life.

Exhale slowly, honoring what you know to be true about those you love.

Enter your day committed to keeping all you are aware of in view. 

from 7000 Ways to Listen
Keeping What is True Before You, page 20-21

Sunday, October 12, 2014

LISTENING - 7000 Ways to Listen

Describe your center point of listening.

I am only just beginning to discover that there is one waiting to be discovered. 

LEARNING - 7000 ways to listen

Describe a learning you were born with and how you came to discover this.

The power & importance of relationships - that was a first-breath knowledge.  Always part of my awareness.  Hard to say how I came to discover it.  Like most people born with a sense of something, whether how to conjugate verbs or grasp the intricacies of math or beat fluffy egg whites even at high altitudes, never dawned on me that others weren't equally (or way better) versed in the ins & outs & 'round abouts of relationship.  

My forever knowledge - learning - was never about any & all relationships, but more specialized.  From the very start, it focused on promoting & supporting healthy relationships.  An interesting irony, given how my family was & still pretty united in having no sense of relationship with me.  Perhaps Ian did, he died too young for me to hazard a guess.  But certainly the rest were & are fairly unanimous in their sense of...  no sure what.  But certainly not any sense of healthy relationship with the youngest born.  

Praise be, was also born with an awareness that how they felt about ME had no bearing on my feelings for them.  Not once did I chauffeur Mim from Girard College (or wherever she happened to be) out to Bryn Athyn with the underlying thought, "And now she'll like me."  I did it because she needed a ride & I could provide it.  Ditto with Peter staying with us for weeks, months on end, or stopping by for meals, or...  Never thought, "I'll do this & it will change their feelings toward me."  Not once.  I did it because we were related, both genetically & because everyone is related to everyone.  

When did I discover that my innate appreciation & celebration of relationship was a special gift?  Hard to say.  I guess it was when Nita Holmes answered my request to friends & acquaintances for words that came to mind thinking about me ~ she answered "intrusive."   That made me sit up & take notice.  And realize that a lot of people experience me that way.  And naturally so, since a lot, maybe most, people carefully build a protective hierarchy of relationships.  

Since it took until I was 37 years old to become part of the sort of relationship held dear in my heart, never had any sense of relating to others.  Most people either don't have a clue what it's like to be part of a family where not one face looks back at you with a sense of deep connection & acceptance or they know all too well & don't want to be reminded.  Like the dry drunk child of an alcoholic who longs for normalcy but doesn't know what it is, I spent a lifetime longing for relationship & messing things up because of not knowing the least thing about them.  How can anyone develop strong friendships when she keeps waiting to get The Look that separates?

But even having my love for John reciprocated, even sensing what it feels to belong without fear of The Look didn't make me realize that I was born with a love of promoting & supporting healthy relationships.  I first discovered that when Mim brushed off having any family conferences on more effective communication - something dangled in front of me for years - with the comment, "The past is the past" and "The family no longer exists as a unit."  

Her comment didn't shock me.  It was what I'd expected.  Ever since she started her masters program at Rutgers, I'd warn Mom, "Be prepared that once Mim gets her masters, she's going to be out of our lives."  No clue how I knew that, but I did.  And there it was.  Once she no longer had need for family support, it no longer existed to her.  It's only reason for being as a unit was to get her to independence.  Once that was achieved, the family went pouf in her heart.  And I could see it coming.

What I never saw coming, what totally blindsided me, was Mom being okay with that.  And she was. When Mim dismissed Mom's plea that I was at least owed loyalty for all I'd done for her over the years - "She offered, but I never accepted." - Mom was okay with that.  Not happy, but okay - "If that's what she thinks, that's what she thinks."  

It was at THAT point, realizing my MOTHER didn't share the same sense of  relationship so dear to my heart, that it hit me - maybe, just maybe, my forever view of nurturing relationship might be different from how others viewed experienced revered it.

Where does this learning live in me now?

My hope is that it lives in my every breath, my every action.  Everything reflects relationship, for good or ill.  My hope is that I continue to nurture & support healthy ones, realizing that all relationships begin, end & center around our own relationship with the Oneness within everything.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

elder craft

Trust me, elder craft is anything but as fuddy duddy as it might sound.  It's my first foray into actually DOING something to help families & friends have a ball with older loved ones & friends.

Hmmm....  Working on ways to give families & friends creative ways to connect in enriching & rewarding ways with their olders.  What a fun project!

Perhaps THE greatest challenge in working with the aged - especially ones who are, by necessity, in a senior care residence - is getting them past a deadening sense of having little to no purpose.  

My inner elder care anarchist cries out to move beyond painting & other traditional forms to find ways that we can work with olders to craft new views & fresh perspectives.  Not all drenched in sunshine & rainbows, but a grounded look at where they are, what are their interests & loves, what is their purpose in this present moment.  

Impossible to convey the excitement that's building in my heart soul spirit as this project latches more & more onto my imagination & energies.  Have pondered for a couple years about doing something that encourages an expansive older age, to do it in ways that can be easily shared with youngers, in ways that gets youngers involved & more strongly connected to aging loved ones.  

For whatever reason, my mind goes back to when my American niece & her husband brought their 3-year old & baby daughter over to our house for a visit.  They were used to visits with Mom, which always revolved around some sort of foodie spread.  I wanted something different, something that forged a different sort of connection.  When the four of them arrived, I'd set up the island as a craft station.  My niece was a bit thrown - wasn't it expecting more of my great-niece than the 3-year old could deliver?  I didn't think so.  The projects were actually very simple, they just had snazzy results.  The things that would have been complicated - like decorating snowflake cookies - were a snap because the prep work (including baking the cookies) had been done ahead of time.  

Campbell did a beautiful job decorating the cookies, which we tied up for giving in cellophane bags with ribbons that she selected from my collection.  We shaved dark chocolate & added it to cocoa mix, which we then layered in a baby jar with mini marshmallows, sealed it with a lid that she decorated & added the label Campbell's Snowman Soup.  I don't remember the 3rd craft, but I will never forget the looks of delight on her parents faces watching their little girl & older aunt having great fun or the glee in my brother's voice when he called to say, "Wow!"  Today, Campbell is a "tween" & far off in Melbourne, Australia.  But our time together all those years ago is still fresh in my mind.

We crafted a connection along with gifts.  We both expanded because of that short hour on a December afternoon.

The dynamics that made that such a joyful, enriching occasion are also present in the best creative opportunities with our olders - keep it simple, keep it short, keep it meaningful.  Families & friends want ways to connect and older people need ways to... feel more.  

Creativity projects - ones that leave everyone feeling GREAT, like Campbell & her parents & me.  An idea whose time has come!!     

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

yoga IS for inflexible folks - like me!

My  WHY behind starting a regular yoga practice ~  ~ 

Through yoga we start seeing the effect of our lifestyle in our body, we start seeing the habits that the body has picked up and we learn to undo those habits. As we work on opening and strengthening the body and freeing it from its tendencies, our mind is affected. 

As we feel more freedom inside, we start projecting this outwards and see the world as a better place to live in. As we feel more space in the body and the mind, our attitude changes, the world around us seems like a friendlier place and we start tuning into the wisdom of the universe; hence our life is enriched with more bliss than we could previously experience.

Open and expand the body and see for yourself how the world opens in front of your eyes. What you feel inside, is outside. What you see outside, is inside. If you want freedom and peace start by removing tension of the most tangible place you live in!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Danish Bakers

What better way to celebrate what would have been Dad's BIG 103 than a link to the utterly decadent DANISH BAKERS bake shop!  Oh, the butter cake!  The sticky buns!  The strudel!  The cakes & cookies & brownies!  Hands down, the BEST bakery around!!  And just 20 minutes down the Pike, in Rockledge!

Beyond decadence...